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Grey Creative Co.


Grey Creative Co. is a talent-focused, global, creative company. Since 2017 we’ve partnered with brands and creators to create visually-engaging-rich content.

Let’s get to work:
Matt Sessions I Creative Director
Working in the advertising space for decades and having developed a keen sense for what a project needs. Matt's multidisciplinary approach of motion graphics, editing, and music composition enables him to take a project start to finish and manage quality through out.
Nic Koller I Art Director
Visual artist, composer, poet and filmmaker whose work spans painting, experimental film, spoken-word albums, animation and multimedia installations. Nic also cartoons about art and technology for the New Yorker, and Nic's VR film, Flowers & a Switchblade, premiered at Sundance in January 2020 and was featured on Arte TV (French/German Television).
Luis Naranjo I Lead 3D Artist
Former Head of Post Production at Anastasia Beverly Hills. Luis spearheaded the use of 3D techniques in his department and continues to bring the same enthusiasm at Grey Creative. Self taught and driven by his shear fascination with everything 3D, Luis often spends late nights figuring out the ins and outs of Cinema 4D and creates an endless array of abstract 3D imagery. 
Chelsea Hall I Project Manager

Chelsea Hall is an experienced project manger with a strong background in media production. She has excelled in and rose at Warner Bros. Discover, Chait Day, and The Mill, specializing in project leadership and team coordination. 

Clients we've worked with